Free wordpress news syndication

Here are some free WordPress news syndication plugins and services:

  1. WP RSS Aggregator: A popular and highly-rated plugin that allows you to aggregate and display RSS feeds from various sources on your WordPress site.
  2. FeedWordPress: Another popular plugin that allows you to aggregate and display RSS feeds, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.
  3. WP News Manager: A plugin that allows you to manage and display news articles from various sources, with features like categorization, tagging, and search.
  4. RSS Importer: A simple plugin that allows you to import RSS feeds from various sources and display them on your WordPress site.
  5. News Aggregator: A plugin that allows you to aggregate and display news articles from various sources, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.
  6. Feedburner: A popular service that allows you to aggregate and display RSS feeds from various sources, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.
  7. Google News: A service that allows you to aggregate and display news articles from various sources, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.
  8. Alltop: A service that aggregates and displays news articles from various sources, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.
  9. News360: A service that aggregates and displays news articles from various sources, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.
  10. Flipboard: A service that aggregates and displays news articles from various sources, with features like filtering, sorting, and caching.

Some popular free news syndication services that you can use with WordPress include:

  1. Feedburner: A popular service that allows you to aggregate and display RSS feeds from various sources.
  2. Google News: A service that allows you to aggregate and display news articles from various sources.
  3. Alltop: A service that aggregates and displays news articles from various sources.
  4. News360: A service that aggregates and displays news articles from various sources.
  5. Flipboard: A service that aggregates and displays news articles from various sources.

To use these services with WordPress, you'll need to:

  1. Sign up for an account with the service.
  2. Create a feed or channel on the service.
  3. Copy the RSS feed URL from the service.
  4. Install and activate a WordPress plugin that supports RSS feeds (such as WP RSS Aggregator or FeedWordPress).
  5. Configure the plugin to import the RSS feed from the service.
  6. Customize the plugin settings to display the news articles on your WordPress site.

Note that some of these services may have limitations or restrictions on the number of feeds you can import or the number of articles you can display. Be sure to review the terms of service and usage guidelines before using them with your WordPress site.