My feelings 2021 nollywood part 1 mp4 download wapnaija 2

It seems like you're looking to download the movie "My Feelings 2021 Nollywood Part 1" from WapNaija. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you with that:

Step 1: Search for the movie on WapNaija

Open your web browser and go to Type "My Feelings 2021 Nollywood Part 1" in the search bar and press Enter.

Step 2: Find the correct result

Scroll through the search results and find the correct movie with the title "My Feelings 2021 Nollywood Part 1". Make sure it's the correct movie and not a different one with a similar title.

Step 3: Click on the download link

Once you've found the correct movie, click on the download link next to it. This will take you to a new page where you can start the download process.

Step 4: Choose your download format

On the new page, you'll see different download formats available, such as MP4, 3GP, and more. Choose the MP4 format if you want to download the movie in high quality.

Step 5: Start the download

Click on the "Download" button next to the MP4 format. The download process will start, and you can monitor the progress in your browser's download manager.

Step 6: Wait for the download to complete

The download time will depend on your internet speed and the size of the movie file. Wait for the download to complete, and then you can watch the movie on your device.

Important note:

Please make sure to download the movie from a trusted and reputable source to avoid any potential risks or viruses. Additionally, be aware of any copyright laws and regulations in your country regarding movie downloads.