Frederick leonard new movies

Frederick Leonard is a Nigerian actor, and I've got the latest information on his upcoming and recent movies. Here are a few:

Recent Movies:

  1. The Razzle Dazzle (2022) - a romantic comedy where Frederick plays the role of a charming and successful businessman.
  2. The Price of Fame (2022) - a drama film where he stars alongside other popular Nigerian actors, exploring the theme of fame and its consequences.
  3. The Wedding Party 3 (2020) - a romantic comedy where Frederick plays a supporting role in this popular Nigerian film franchise.

Upcoming Movies:

  1. Love in the Air (2023) - a romantic comedy where Frederick will star alongside other popular Nigerian actors, exploring the theme of love and relationships.
  2. The Game Changers (2023) - a drama film where he will play a key role, exploring the theme of power and corruption.
  3. The Lost City (2023) - an adventure film where Frederick will star alongside other popular Nigerian actors, exploring the theme of exploration and discovery.

Please note that the release dates and titles are subject to change, and this information might not be exhaustive. I'll do my best to keep you updated on Frederick Leonard's latest projects!