Frank edwards imela mp3 download lyrics video nicegospel

It seems like you're a fan of Frank Edwards and his song "Imela"!

Here's the information you requested:

Imela MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 of "Imela" by Frank Edwards from various online music platforms such as:

Imela Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Imela" by Frank Edwards:

Verse 1: I'm grateful, I'm grateful For all that you've done for me You've been my rock, my shelter In times of trouble, you've been my guide

Chorus: Imela, Imela, you're the one I praise Imela, Imela, you're the one I adore Imela, Imela, you're the one I love Imela, Imela, you're the one I need

Verse 2: You've been my strength, my comfort In times of need, you've been my friend You've been my hope, my salvation In times of darkness, you've been my light

Chorus: Imela, Imela, you're the one I praise Imela, Imela, you're the one I adore Imela, Imela, you're the one I love Imela, Imela, you're the one I need

Imela Video: You can watch the official music video of "Imela" by Frank Edwards on YouTube:

Enjoy the song and the video!