Bbnaija 2022 travel beta task team bella sheggz and adekunle wins🥳🥳💃💃 bbnaija season 7

Congratulations to Bella, Sheggz, and Adekunle on winning the "Travel Beta" task in BBNaija Season 7! 🎉🎊

The "Travel Beta" task was a challenging one, requiring the housemates to work together to complete various travel-related tasks, such as packing luggage, navigating through airports, and completing customs forms. It was a great opportunity for the housemates to showcase their teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Bella, Sheggz, and Adekunle's win is well-deserved, as they demonstrated excellent communication, coordination, and time management skills throughout the task. They worked seamlessly together, dividing tasks and supporting each other to achieve their goals.

This win is a great boost for their game, and they will likely be a force to be reckoned with in the coming weeks. Who knows, maybe they'll even make it to the final stages of the competition! 🤩

What do you think about the outcome of the "Travel Beta" task? Are you rooting for Bella, Sheggz, and Adekunle to win the whole competition? Let me know in the comments! 💬