Fox news trump taxes

Fox News and Donald Trump's taxes have been a topic of controversy and debate over the years. Here are some key points:

  1. Trump's tax returns: Trump has refused to release his tax returns, citing an audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, the IRS has said that it is not auditing Trump's returns, and the agency has released a statement saying that it is not uncommon for taxpayers to be audited while their returns are under review.
  2. Trump's tax avoidance: Trump has been accused of using various tax avoidance strategies, including the use of shell companies and partnerships, to reduce his tax liability. In 2016, the New York Times reported that Trump had used a tax loophole to avoid paying taxes on millions of dollars in income.
  3. Trump's tax cuts: Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, which lowered corporate tax rates and reduced the number of tax brackets. The law was criticized by many Democrats and some Republicans, who argued that it would increase the national debt and benefit wealthy individuals and corporations.
  4. Trump's tax returns and the IRS: In 2019, the House Ways and Means Committee, led by Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), requested Trump's tax returns from the IRS. The committee argued that it needed the returns to conduct oversight of the IRS and to determine whether Trump had complied with tax laws. Trump's administration refused to comply with the request, citing executive privilege.
  5. Trump's tax returns and the courts: In 2020, a federal appeals court ruled that the House Ways and Means Committee had the authority to request Trump's tax returns from the IRS. The ruling was a victory for the committee and a setback for Trump's administration.

Some notable Fox News personalities have weighed in on Trump's taxes over the years. Here are a few examples:

  1. Sean Hannity: Hannity has been a vocal defender of Trump and has criticized the media for its coverage of Trump's taxes. In 2016, Hannity said that Trump's tax returns were "none of our business" and that the media was trying to "vilify" Trump.
  2. Tucker Carlson: Carlson has also been a defender of Trump and has criticized the media for its coverage of Trump's taxes. In 2019, Carlson said that the media was trying to "destroy" Trump by focusing on his taxes.
  3. Laura Ingraham: Ingraham has also been a defender of Trump and has criticized the media for its coverage of Trump's taxes. In 2019, Ingraham said that the media was trying to "vilify" Trump by focusing on his taxes.

However, not all Fox News personalities have been defenders of Trump's taxes. For example:

  1. Bret Baier: Baier has reported on Trump's taxes and has noted that the president's refusal to release his returns is unusual. In 2019, Baier said that Trump's decision not to release his returns was "unprecedented" and that it was "raising questions" about his transparency.
  2. Chris Wallace: Wallace has also reported on Trump's taxes and has noted that the president's refusal to release his returns is unusual. In 2019, Wallace said that Trump's decision not to release his returns was "unusual" and that it was "raising questions" about his transparency.

Overall, the debate over Trump's taxes has been a contentious issue, with some Fox News personalities defending the president's decision not to release his returns and others criticizing it.