Benue news to day 11 11 2018

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have have access to real-time news or specific news articles from a particular date (in this case, November 11, 2018). My training data only goes up to 2021, and I don't have the capability to access external news sources or databases.

But I can suggest some ways for you to find the news from Benue State on November 11, 2018:

  1. Check online news websites: You can try searching for online news websites that cover news from Benue State, such as Vanguard, Punch, or ThisDay. They may have archived articles from that date.
  2. Contact local newspapers: You can try contacting local newspapers in Benue State, such as the Benue State Government-owned newspaper, The Benue Voice, or other local dailies. They may have archives of their publications from that date.
  3. Check social media: You can try searching for news articles or updates from Benue State on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. You can also try searching for hashtags related to Benue State or Nigeria to see if any relevant news articles or updates are available.

I hope these suggestions are helpful!