Fox news trump gun control

Fox News and Donald Trump have had a complex and often contentious relationship when it comes to gun control. Here are some key points:

  1. Trump's initial stance: During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump took a more moderate stance on gun control, saying that he supported universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons. However, after the election, he shifted his stance and became more supportive of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and gun rights.
  2. Fox News' coverage: Fox News has generally been critical of gun control measures and has often featured guests who argue against stricter gun laws. The network has also given prominent coverage to gun rights advocates and has hosted shows that promote gun ownership and use.
  3. Trump's executive actions: In 2018, Trump signed a series of executive actions aimed at improving school safety and reducing gun violence. These actions included increasing funding for school safety programs, improving the background check system, and allowing schools to use federal funds to purchase firearms and train teachers to carry them.
  4. Trump's NRA ties: Trump has been a longtime supporter of the NRA and has received significant campaign contributions from the organization. In 2018, the NRA spent over $30 million on Trump's behalf, making it one of the largest donors to his campaign.
  5. Fox News' coverage of Trump's gun control efforts: Fox News has been critical of Trump's gun control efforts, arguing that they are too weak and do not go far enough to address the issue of gun violence. The network has also featured guests who argue that stricter gun laws would infringe on Second Amendment rights.
  6. Trump's response to mass shootings: Trump has responded to several mass shootings during his presidency, including the Parkland school shooting in 2018 and the El Paso and Dayton shootings in 2019. In each case, he has emphasized the need for improved mental health care and school safety, rather than stricter gun laws.
  7. Fox News' coverage of mass shootings: Fox News has often focused on the mental health and other factors that contribute to mass shootings, rather than the role of guns. The network has also featured guests who argue that stricter gun laws would not have prevented the shootings.

Some notable examples of Fox News' coverage of Trump's gun control efforts and mass shootings include:

Overall, Fox News and Trump have had a complex and often contentious relationship when it comes to gun control. While Trump has taken some steps to address gun violence, Fox News has often been critical of his efforts and has emphasized the need for improved mental health care and school safety rather than stricter gun laws.