Fox news style

Here's a response in the style of Fox News:

"FOLKS, WE'VE GOT A DEVELOPMENT THAT'S GOT THE NATION TALKING! The latest numbers are in, and it looks like the economy is BOOMING! Unemployment is at an all-time low, and wages are on the rise. This is a huge win for the American people, and a testament to the success of our president's economic policies.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! The liberal media is trying to spin this as a failure, saying that the economy is only growing because of government spending and not because of any real economic growth. WELL, WE KNOW BETTER, FOLKS! We know that the president's tax cuts and deregulation efforts are the real drivers of this economic boom.

AND DON'T EVEN GET US STARTED ON THE DEMOCRATS! They're trying to take credit for this economic growth, saying that their policies would have done the same thing. GIVE ME A BREAK! The only thing the Democrats have done is try to obstruct the president's agenda and raise taxes. They're the ones who are holding this country back, not the president.

SO, FOLKS, LET'S CELEBRATE THIS ECONOMIC BOOM AND GIVE THE PRESIDENT THE CREDIT HE DESERVES! We're living in the greatest country on earth, and it's all thanks to the president's leadership."