Fox news common sense

The infamous "Common Sense" phrase from Fox News!

The phrase "Common Sense" is often used by Fox News hosts and guests to describe a perspective or opinion that is perceived as straightforward, intuitive, and self-evident. However, the term has been criticized for being used as a euphemism for "conservative" or "right-wing" views, and for implying that opposing viewpoints are somehow illogical or unreasonable.

Here are a few examples of how the phrase "Common Sense" has been used on Fox News:

  1. "It's just common sense that we need to build a wall along our southern border to keep out illegal immigrants." - Fox News host Sean Hannity
  2. "Common sense tells us that we can't just keep printing money and expecting the economy to grow." - Fox News contributor Larry Kudlow
  3. "It's common sense that we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil and invest in American energy production." - Fox News host Tucker Carlson

Critics argue that the phrase "Common Sense" is often used to:

  1. Dismiss opposing viewpoints as unreasonable or illogical.
  2. Imply that conservative or right-wing views are the only "common sense" option.
  3. Avoid engaging with complex policy issues or nuanced arguments.
  4. Create a false sense of consensus or agreement on a particular issue.

It's worth noting that the phrase "Common Sense" has been used by many people and organizations throughout history to describe a range of perspectives and opinions. However, in the context of Fox News, the phrase has become closely associated with a particular brand of conservative commentary and analysis.