New marvel heroes

Exciting times for Marvel fans! Here are some new Marvel heroes that have been introduced in recent years or are set to debut soon:

  1. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): A teenage Pakistani-American superhero who gained powers similar to Captain Marvel's after exposure to a strange gas.
  2. Riri Williams (Ironheart): A young black woman who created her own Iron Man suit and became the new Ironheart.
  3. America Chavez: A Latina superhero with the ability to punch holes through dimensions and travel through space and time.
  4. Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green): A computer science student with superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to communicate with squirrels.
  5. Kate Bishop (Hawkeye): A wealthy socialite and skilled archer who became the new Hawkeye after Clint Barton's retirement.
  6. Raze: A new Spider-Man from the future who has been sent back in time to prevent a catastrophic event.
  7. Shang-Chi: A martial arts master and the son of the villainous Fu Manchu, who has become a hero and a member of the Avengers.
  8. Moon Girl (Lunella Lafayette): A young, Inhuman genius with superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to communicate with animals.
  9. Spectrum (Monica Rambeau): A former Avenger who gained the ability to manipulate energy and became the new Captain Marvel.
  10. Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes): A teenager who became the new Ghost Rider after inheriting the spirit of the original Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze.
  11. Silk (Cindy Moon): A Korean-American superhero with the ability to climb walls and shoot webs from her wrists, similar to Spider-Man.
  12. Wiccan (Billy Kaplan): The son of Scarlet Witch and Vision, who has inherited his parents' magical abilities and become a hero.
  13. Kate Pryde (Storm): A young mutant with the ability to control the weather, who has become the new Storm.
  14. Miles Morales (Spider-Man): A half-Puerto Rican, half-black teenager who became the new Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe.
  15. Gwenpool (Gwen Poole): A fan of comics who gained the ability to enter the Marvel Universe and became a hero, despite her questionable morals.

These are just a few examples of the many new Marvel heroes that have been introduced in recent years. The Marvel Universe is constantly evolving, and new heroes are being created all the time!