Foreign news example

Here are a few examples of foreign news stories:

  1. UK's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle step down as senior royals: In January 2020, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle announced that they would be stepping down as senior members of the British royal family and pursuing a more private life. This news was widely reported in the UK and around the world.

Source: BBC News

  1. Australian bushfires rage on, killing dozens and destroying thousands of homes: In January 2020, devastating bushfires swept across Australia, killing at least 33 people and destroying thousands of homes. The fires were fueled by hot and dry weather conditions, and the country's prime minister declared a national emergency.

Source: CNN

  1. Iran's top military leader Qasem Soleimani killed in US drone strike: In January 2020, the United States launched a drone strike that killed Qasem Soleimani, the powerful head of Iran's elite Quds Force. The strike was carried out at Baghdad International Airport, and it sparked widespread outrage and protests in Iran and around the world.

Source: Al Jazeera

  1. China's economy grows at slowest pace in 29 years: In February 2020, China's National Bureau of Statistics reported that the country's economy had grown at its slowest pace in 29 years, with GDP growth of just 6.1%. The slowdown was attributed to the ongoing trade war with the United States and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: The New York Times

  1. Nigerian president Buhari signs bill to establish new police unit: In May 2020, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari signed a bill into law that establishes a new police unit to combat kidnapping and other crimes. The move was seen as a response to growing concerns about security in the country.

Source: Reuters

These are just a few examples of foreign news stories that have been reported in recent years. There are countless other stories that have been reported from around the world, covering a wide range of topics and issues.