Foreign investors chased away persistent probe #comments

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a financial report. Here's a possible summary:

"Foreign investors have been deterred from investing in a particular company due to a persistent probe or investigation. This has led to a decline in foreign investment in the company, which may have negative implications for its financial performance and growth prospects."

Some possible reasons for foreign investors to be chased away by a persistent probe could be:

  1. Uncertainty and risk: Foreign investors may be hesitant to invest in a company that is under investigation, as it can create uncertainty and risk for their investment.
  2. Reputation damage: A persistent probe can damage a company's reputation, making it less attractive to foreign investors who value a company's reputation and integrity.
  3. Regulatory issues: Foreign investors may be concerned about regulatory issues and the potential for fines or penalties if the company is found to have violated laws or regulations.
  4. Lack of transparency: Foreign investors may be deterred by a lack of transparency in the investigation process, making it difficult for them to assess the risks and potential outcomes.

It's worth noting that the specific reasons for foreign investors being chased away by a persistent probe may vary depending on the circumstances and the company involved.