Flood wrecks havoc in ekiti state communities

Flood Wreaks Havoc in Ekiti State Communities

A devastating flood has hit several communities in Ekiti State, Nigeria, leaving a trail of destruction and displacement in its wake. The flood, which occurred in the early hours of yesterday, has caused widespread damage to properties, infrastructure, and farmlands, affecting thousands of residents.

According to eyewitnesses, the flood was triggered by heavy rainfall in the state, which caused the rivers and streams to overflow, inundating several communities in the state. The affected areas include Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, as well as other towns and villages in the state.

Destruction and Displacement

The flood has left many residents displaced, with thousands of people forced to flee their homes to higher ground. Many homes, businesses, and farmlands have been destroyed, leaving families without shelter, food, or livelihood.

"I woke up to find my home flooded, and my family and I had to flee to the nearby hills to escape the rising waters," said Mrs. Aisha, a resident of Ado-Ekiti. "We have lost everything, and I don't know how we will start again."

Government Response

The Ekiti State Government has promised to provide relief to the affected communities, with the Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, visiting the affected areas to assess the damage and provide support to the victims.

"We are doing everything possible to assist the affected communities, and we will work with the Federal Government and other stakeholders to provide relief and support to those affected," said the Governor.

Call for Assistance

The Ekiti State Government has appealed to the Federal Government, international organizations, and well-meaning individuals to provide assistance to the affected communities.

"We need help to rebuild and restore the affected areas, and we appeal to all to come to our aid," said the Governor.


The flood in Ekiti State has caused immense suffering and destruction, and it is essential that the government and other stakeholders work together to provide relief and support to the affected communities. The people of Ekiti State deserve our support and assistance in this difficult time.