Five ukraine troops die heavy fighting luhansk rebels #comments

Here are five possible comments on the news that five Ukrainian troops have died in heavy fighting with Luhansk rebels:

Comment 1 "This is devastating news. My heart goes out to the families of the fallen soldiers. We must continue to support our troops and work towards a peaceful resolution to this conflict." - John

Comment 2 "This is what happens when you send our boys to fight a war that's not ours. We need to get out of Ukraine and focus on our own country's problems." - Sarah

Comment 3 "RIP to the brave Ukrainian soldiers who gave their lives for their country. We will never forget their sacrifice. #Ukraine #Luhansk" - Alex

Comment 4 "This is a tragedy. The Ukrainian government needs to take responsibility for the lives lost and work towards a peaceful resolution. We can't keep sending our troops to die in a war that's not going anywhere." - Mark

Comment 5 "My thoughts are with the families of the fallen soldiers. This conflict is a never-ending cycle of violence and suffering. We need to find a way to bring peace to Ukraine and end the bloodshed." - Emily