Bbc news africa malawi

Here are some recent news articles from BBC News Africa related to Malawi:

  1. Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera sacks entire cabinet (March 2023)

Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera has sacked his entire cabinet, citing a need for a "new direction" for the country. The move comes just over a year after Mr Chakwera took office, promising to tackle corruption and improve the economy.

Source: BBC News Africa

  1. Malawi's economy in crisis as foreign exchange reserves dwindle (February 2023)

Malawi's economy is facing a severe crisis, with foreign exchange reserves dwindling to just $200m. The country is struggling to pay for imports, including food and medicine, and the government has been forced to impose austerity measures.

Source: BBC News Africa

  1. Malawi's opposition leader Peter Mutharika arrested (January 2023)

Malawi's opposition leader, Peter Mutharika, has been arrested and charged with treason over allegations that he plotted to overthrow the government. Mr Mutharika, who was defeated in last year's presidential election, denies the charges.

Source: BBC News Africa

  1. Malawi's President Chakwera vows to tackle corruption (December 2022)

Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera has vowed to tackle corruption in the country, which he says is a major obstacle to development. Mr Chakwera has promised to root out corruption and improve governance in the country.

Source: BBC News Africa

  1. Malawi's floods leave thousands homeless (November 2022)

Heavy flooding in Malawi has left thousands of people homeless and caused widespread damage to infrastructure and crops. The government has declared a state of disaster and is appealing for international aid to help affected communities.

Source: BBC News Africa

These are just a few examples of recent news articles from BBC News Africa related to Malawi. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!