Firefox news feed

Firefox has a built-in news feed feature called "Pocket" that allows you to save and read articles from various sources. Here's how to access and customize your Firefox news feed:

Accessing the Pocket News Feed:

  1. Open Firefox and click on the Pocket icon () in the address bar.
  2. Click on "My Pocket" to access your saved articles.
  3. Click on "Discover" to see a curated feed of articles from various sources.

Customizing Your News Feed:

  1. Click on the three dots next to the Pocket icon and select "Settings".
  2. In the Pocket settings, you can customize your feed by selecting topics, sources, and languages.
  3. You can also choose to receive daily or weekly digests of your saved articles.

Other News Feed Options:

  1. News Feed Extension: There are several news feed extensions available for Firefox, such as News Feed, Feedly, and Inoreader. These extensions allow you to customize your news feed by adding and removing sources.
  2. RSS Feeds: Firefox also supports RSS feeds, which allow you to subscribe to news sources and receive updates in your browser. To add an RSS feed, click on the three dots next to the address bar and select "Add RSS feed".

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Save articles for later: Use Pocket to save articles for later reading, even when you're offline.
  2. Customize your feed: Use the Pocket settings to customize your feed by selecting topics, sources, and languages.
  3. Use news feed extensions: Consider using news feed extensions to customize your news feed and add more sources.
  4. Use RSS feeds: Use RSS feeds to subscribe to news sources and receive updates in your browser.