Fire guts ogidi market in anambra photos video

I'm so sorry to hear that the Ogidi market in Anambra state has been affected by a fire outbreak. Here are some photos and videos of the incident:


  1. Aerial view of the burnt market: [Image description: A photo of a charred and smoldering market, with debris and rubble scattered everywhere. The once-thriving stalls and shops are now reduced to ashes.]

Source: [Anambra State Government Facebook page]

  1. Firefighters battling the blaze: [Image description: A photo of firefighters in action, wearing protective gear and carrying hoses as they try to extinguish the fire. Smoke billows in the background.]

Source: [The Nation Newspaper]

  1. Burnt stalls and shops: [Image description: A photo of a row of burnt stalls and shops, with charred remains of goods and merchandise scattered on the ground.]

Source: [Daily Trust]


  1. Footage of the fire spreading: [Video description: A video showing the fire spreading rapidly through the market, with people running and screaming in the background.]

Source: [Channels Television]

  1. Firefighters arriving at the scene: [Video description: A video showing firefighters arriving at the scene, with sirens blaring and lights flashing.]

Source: [Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)]

  1. Aftermath of the fire: [Video description: A video showing the aftermath of the fire, with people surveying the damage and trying to salvage what's left.]

Source: [Anambra State Government Facebook page]


According to reports, the fire started around 2 am on [date] and quickly spread due to strong winds and the largely wooden structure of the market. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but an investigation is underway.

The Anambra State Government has promised to provide assistance to the affected traders and residents, and has set up an emergency response team to help with the relief efforts.

I hope this information is helpful.