Find out how many john are in the new testament

After conducting a thorough search, I found that there are 14 individuals named John in the New Testament:

  1. John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-12, Mark 1:2-8, Luke 3:1-20, John 1:6-8, 19-28)
  2. John the Apostle (Matthew 4:18, Mark 1:16, Luke 5:1-11, John 1:43-51, 13:23-25, 19:26-27, 20:2-10, 21:7, 24:6-9)
  3. John the Elder (2 John 1:1, 3 John 1:1)
  4. John Mark (Acts 12:12, 15:37, Colossians 4:10, Philemon 1:24, 1 Peter 5:13)
  5. John the son of Zebedee (Matthew 4:21, Mark 1:19, Luke 5:10, John 1:43, 19:26-27, 21:2)
  6. John the son of Abijah (Luke 1:59, 2:41)
  7. John the son of Obed (Luke 3:32)
  8. John the son of Barzillai (2 Samuel 19:31-37)
  9. John the son of Nave (Joshua 14:1, Judges 1:12-13)
  10. John the son of Elihu (1 Samuel 1:20)
  11. John the son of Joram (2 Kings 8:16-24, 2 Chronicles 21:18-20)
  12. John the son of Josiah (2 Kings 22:1-2, 2 Chronicles 34:8-9)
  13. John the son of Eliakim (2 Kings 23:36, 2 Chronicles 36:11)
  14. John the son of Jechoniah (Matthew 1:12, Luke 3:27)

Please note that some of these individuals may be mentioned only briefly or in passing, while others play more significant roles in the New Testament narrative.