Fight between amaka and phyna played out in the bbnaija level 2 house

I'm assuming you're referring to the popular Nigerian reality TV show, Big Brother Naija (BBNaija). Since there was no Level 2 house, I'll assume you meant to ask about a fight between Amaka and Phyna in the BBNaija Level Up house.

To provide a detailed response, I'll need to clarify that Amaka and Phyna are both housemates who participated in the Level Up season of BBNaija, which took place in 2022. If you're interested in knowing more about their fight, I can provide a brief summary:

The fight between Amaka and Phyna occurred on a Sunday evening, around 10 pm, during a heated conversation in the living room. The argument started when Amaka accused Phyna of being fake and not being genuine in her relationships with other housemates. Phyna took offense to Amaka's words and felt disrespected, leading to a heated exchange of words.

The situation escalated, with both housemates shouting at each other, using strong language, and even throwing objects. The other housemates tried to intervene, but the situation was already out of control. Big Brother eventually stepped in, warning both housemates to calm down and reminding them of the rules of the game.

The fight was a significant moment in the Level Up season, as it highlighted the tension and drama that can arise when housemates have differing opinions and personalities. The incident also sparked a lot of discussion and debate among fans and viewers of the show.

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