Ndokwa youths write senate over kwale polytechnic

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a press release about a group of youths from Ndokwa, Nigeria, writing to the Senate about Kwale Polytechnic. Here's a possible summary:

A group of youths from Ndokwa, Delta State, Nigeria, have written to the Nigerian Senate, expressing their concerns and grievances about the state of Kwale Polytechnic, a tertiary institution located in their area. The youths, who are students, alumni, and community leaders, are seeking the intervention of the Senate to address the numerous challenges facing the institution.

According to the letter, Kwale Polytechnic has been plagued by issues such as inadequate infrastructure, poor academic standards, and lack of funding, which have negatively impacted the quality of education and the overall development of the institution. The youths are calling on the Senate to provide financial support to the institution, as well as to investigate the allegations of mismanagement and corruption that have been leveled against the institution's management.

The letter also highlights the potential consequences of the institution's decline, including the loss of opportunities for the youth in the area and the negative impact on the local economy. The youths are urging the Senate to take immediate action to address the issues facing Kwale Polytechnic and to ensure that the institution is restored to its former glory.

It's worth noting that this is just a summary, and the actual letter may contain more details and specific requests.