Fifa grant minister orders nff accounts audited

It appears that there is a recent development in the Nigerian football scene. Here's a summary of the news:

FIFA Grant Minister Orders NFF Accounts Audited

The Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Sunday Dare, has ordered the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to have its accounts audited by an independent firm. This decision comes after the NFF received a grant from FIFA, the governing body of international football, to develop the sport in Nigeria.

The audit is aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of the FIFA grant, which is reportedly worth millions of dollars. The Minister's directive is seen as a move to prevent mismanagement of the funds and to ensure that they are used for the intended purpose of developing Nigerian football.

The NFF has been embroiled in controversy in recent times, with allegations of mismanagement and corruption surfacing. The audit is expected to provide a clear picture of the NFF's financial activities and help to restore confidence in the organization.

It's worth noting that the NFF has welcomed the Minister's directive, stating that it is committed to transparency and accountability in its financial dealings. The organization has also promised to cooperate fully with the audit process.

Overall, the audit is a positive step towards ensuring that the FIFA grant is used effectively to benefit Nigerian football, and it is hoped that it will help to restore trust in the NFF and the sport as a whole.