D names of ibm worker in new york

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that IBM is a large company with thousands of employees in New York, and it's not possible for me to provide a comprehensive list of all IBM workers in New York.

But, I can suggest some ways to find the names of IBM workers in New York:

  1. IBM's official website: You can visit IBM's official website and search for their employees in New York. They may have a directory or a list of employees in specific locations.
  2. LinkedIn: You can search for IBM employees in New York on LinkedIn. Simply type "IBM" and "New York" in the search bar, and you'll get a list of IBM employees in the area.
  3. Glassdoor: Glassdoor is a job search website that also provides information about companies, including employee reviews and salaries. You can search for IBM in New York and filter the results to show employee names.
  4. Local directories: You can also search for IBM employees in New York through local directories like the New York State Department of Labor's directory of employers or the New York City Department of Labor's directory of employers.

Please note that these methods may not provide a comprehensive list of all IBM workers in New York, and some employees may not be listed publicly. Additionally, some employees may prefer to keep their personal information private, so it's important to respect their privacy.

If you have any specific requirements or need help with a particular task, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!