Fifa 18 new negotiations feature not found

The new negotiations feature in FIFA 18 is indeed a game-changer, allowing you to negotiate with players and staff to improve your team's performance. However, if you're having trouble finding it, here are a few possible reasons and solutions:

  1. Check your game settings: Ensure that the "Negotiations" feature is enabled in your game settings. You can do this by going to the "Game Settings" menu, then selecting "Gameplay" and checking the box next to "Negotiations".
  2. Verify your FIFA 18 version: Make sure you're playing the latest version of FIFA 18. If you're playing an older version, the negotiations feature might not be available.
  3. Check your player's morale: If a player's morale is low, they might not be willing to negotiate with you. Try improving their morale by giving them a raise, improving their contract, or giving them more playing time.
  4. Look for the negotiation icon: When you're in the "Staff" or "Players" menu, look for the negotiation icon () next to the player's name. If you see this icon, it means you can negotiate with them.
  5. Try negotiating with staff members: You can also negotiate with staff members like coaches, scouts, and trainers. They might have different negotiation options and rewards.

If you're still having trouble finding the negotiations feature, feel free to provide more details about your game, such as your platform, game mode, and any error messages you might be seeing. I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue!