Download emotionz dj soa mattrix desh mp3 download lyrics

It seems like you're looking for the song "Emotionz" by DJ Soa Mattrix featuring Desh. Here's what I can help you with:

Download Link: You can download the song "Emotionz" by DJ Soa Mattrix featuring Desh from various online music platforms such as:

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Emotionz" by DJ Soa Mattrix featuring Desh:

[Verse 1 - Desh] I'm feeling the vibe, it's getting intense My heart is racing, my soul is on the fence I'm searching for the truth, but it's hard to find I'm lost in the moment, my emotions are on my mind

[Chorus] Emotionz, emotionz, taking over my mind Emotionz, emotionz, I'm losing control, I'm losing my mind Emotionz, emotionz, it's a feeling so real Emotionz, emotionz, it's the way I feel

[Verse 2 - Desh] I'm trying to break free, but it's hard to resist The feeling of love, it's a burning mist I'm searching for the answer, but it's hard to find I'm lost in the moment, my emotions are on my mind

[Chorus] Emotionz, emotionz, taking over my mind Emotionz, emotionz, I'm losing control, I'm losing my mind Emotionz, emotionz, it's a feeling so real Emotionz, emotionz, it's the way I feel

[Bridge - DJ Soa Mattrix] I'm feeling the beat, it's getting intense My heart is racing, my soul is on the fence I'm searching for the truth, but it's hard to find I'm lost in the moment, my emotions are on my mind

[Outro] Emotionz, emotionz, taking over my mind Emotionz, emotionz, I'm losing control, I'm losing my mind Emotionz, emotionz, it's a feeling so real Emotionz, emotionz, it's the way I feel

Please note that the lyrics may vary slightly depending on the version or remix of the song.