Fg amnesty news

Amnesty International is a global organization that works to promote human rights and protect individuals from human rights abuses. Here are some recent news articles and updates from Amnesty International:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Urgent Action Needed to Protect Human Rights Defenders: Amnesty International has called on governments around the world to take urgent action to protect human rights defenders who are facing increasing threats and attacks. (Source: Amnesty International)
  2. Saudi Arabia Must Release Detained Activists: Amnesty International has urged Saudi Arabia to release 12 human rights activists who have been detained for over a year, including women's rights activists who have been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. (Source: Amnesty International)
  3. US Must End Indefinite Detention of Migrant Children: Amnesty International has called on the US government to end the practice of indefinitely detaining migrant children and to provide them with access to education, healthcare, and other essential services. (Source: Amnesty International)
  4. Egypt Must Release Detained Journalists: Amnesty International has urged Egypt to release three journalists who have been detained for over a year, including a prominent journalist who has been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. (Source: Amnesty International)
  5. China Must End Crackdown on Human Rights Lawyers: Amnesty International has called on China to end its crackdown on human rights lawyers, which has seen many lawyers arrested, detained, and subjected to torture and other ill-treatment. (Source: Amnesty International)

Recent Reports and Research:

  1. The State of the World's Children 2020: Amnesty International's annual report on the state of children's rights around the world, highlighting the challenges and threats faced by children, including child poverty, child labor, and child marriage. (Source: Amnesty International)
  2. The Death Penalty in 2020: Amnesty International's annual report on the use of the death penalty around the world, highlighting the number of executions carried out, the countries that have abolished the death penalty, and the challenges faced by those on death row. (Source: Amnesty International)
  3. The Global Refugee Crisis: Amnesty International's report on the global refugee crisis, highlighting the challenges faced by refugees, including lack of access to asylum, detention, and forced returns. (Source: Amnesty International)

Recent Campaigns and Actions:

  1. #FreeThemNow: Amnesty International's campaign to free prisoners of conscience around the world, including those who have been detained for their political beliefs, religion, or ethnicity. (Source: Amnesty International)
  2. #JusticeForNigeria: Amnesty International's campaign to demand justice for the victims of the Lekki toll gate shooting in Nigeria, which killed at least 12 people and injured many more. (Source: Amnesty International)
  3. #EndPoliceBrutality: Amnesty International's campaign to end police brutality and excessive use of force, including the use of lethal force, against civilians. (Source: Amnesty International)

These are just a few examples of the news, reports, and campaigns from Amnesty International. The organization is a leading voice on human rights issues around the world and works to promote and protect human rights through research, advocacy, and activism.