Fence accessories new zealand

Here are some common fence accessories available in New Zealand:

  1. Fence posts: These are the vertical supports that hold the fence panels in place. They come in various materials, such as timber, steel, or concrete.
  2. Fence panels: These are the horizontal sections of the fence that provide the visual barrier. They can be made of wood, metal, or plastic.
  3. Fence caps: These are the decorative tops that cover the fence posts, adding a finishing touch to the fence.
  4. Fence brackets: These are used to attach the fence panels to the fence posts.
  5. Fence stays: These are used to keep the fence panels in place, especially on slopes or uneven terrain.
  6. Fence clips: These are small metal or plastic clips that attach to the fence panels and fence posts, providing additional support.
  7. Fence ties: These are used to tie the fence panels together, ensuring they remain secure and stable.
  8. Fence gates: These are the openings in the fence that allow access to the property. They can be manual or automatic.
  9. Fence latches: These are the mechanisms used to secure the fence gates, preventing unauthorized entry.
  10. Fence hardware: This includes various components such as hinges, screws, and nails used to assemble and attach the fence components.
  11. Fence paint or stain: These are used to protect and enhance the appearance of the fence.
  12. Fence lights: These are used to illuminate the fence, providing additional security and visibility.
  13. Fence spikes: These are used to deter climbing or trespassing on the fence.
  14. Fence mesh: This is a type of fencing material used to provide additional security and protection.
  15. Fence netting: This is a type of fencing material used to provide additional protection and security.

Some popular brands and suppliers of fence accessories in New Zealand include:

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other brands and suppliers available in New Zealand. It's always a good idea to research and compare prices and products before making a purchase.