Female news reporter side view

Here is a possible illustration of a female news reporter from a side view:

Hair: Shoulder-length, curly brown hair with a few loose strands framing her face.

Face: Heart-shaped with high cheekbones, a small nose, and full lips. Her eyes are a bright blue, with a hint of mascara and eyeliner.

Clothing: A crisp white blouse with a high collar and a fitted waist, paired with a tailored black skirt that falls just above the knee. A black blazer with a subtle pattern adds a touch of sophistication.

Accessories: A simple silver necklace with a small pendant, a pair of stud earrings, and a classic watch with a leather strap.

Posture: Confident and poised, with her shoulders back and her head held high. Her weight is evenly distributed on both feet, with her knees slightly bent.

Expression: A calm and professional demeanor, with a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Her eyes are focused and engaged, as if she's about to deliver a breaking news report.

Props: A microphone in her hand, with a small notebook and pen tucked into her blazer pocket.

Here's a possible illustration of this character:

[Image description: A side view of a female news reporter, dressed in a crisp white blouse and black skirt, with a black blazer and silver necklace. She has curly brown hair and bright blue eyes, with a hint of mascara and eyeliner. She's holding a microphone and has a confident, professional expression. The background is a blurred cityscape, with a hint of a news studio or broadcast booth.]