Israel woos 10 countries jerusalem

You're referring to the recent diplomatic efforts by Israel to establish diplomatic relations with 10 countries in the African continent, with Jerusalem as their capital.

Yes, that's correct. In recent years, Israel has been actively pursuing diplomatic relations with African countries, and in 2020, it announced that it had established diplomatic relations with 10 countries in the continent, with Jerusalem as their capital.

The 10 countries are:

  1. Guinea
  2. Burkina Faso
  3. Chad
  4. Mali
  5. Niger
  6. Central African Republic
  7. Republic of the Congo
  8. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  9. Liberia
  10. Haiti

These countries have officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, which is a significant development in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The move has been seen as a major diplomatic coup for Israel, as it has helped to strengthen its ties with African countries and potentially pave the way for further diplomatic recognition.

It's worth noting that the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is a highly controversial issue, as it is a city that is also claimed by the Palestinians as their capital. The international community, including the United States, has traditionally recognized East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state, and many countries have their embassies in Tel Aviv, rather than Jerusalem, due to concerns about the status of the city.