Felicia new weave 6pcs

You're looking for Felicia's new weave, specifically the 6-piece set!

Felicia's new weave is a popular choice among beauty enthusiasts, and the 6-piece set is a great way to get a comprehensive collection of her latest products. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect:

  1. Weave: The star of the show, Felicia's new weave is a high-quality, 100% human hair extension that's designed to mimic the look and feel of natural hair. It's available in a range of lengths, from 12 to 24 inches, and can be styled with heat tools, curled, or straightened.
  2. Closure: The closure is a small piece of hair that's attached to the top of the weave, covering the scalp. It's usually made of the same type of hair as the weave and is designed to blend seamlessly with the rest of the hair.
  3. Frontal: The frontal is a larger piece of hair that's attached to the front of the scalp, covering the forehead and hairline. It's usually made of thicker hair than the weave and is designed to create a natural-looking hairline.
  4. Sides: The sides are two smaller pieces of hair that are attached to the sides of the scalp, covering the temples and hairline. They're usually made of the same type of hair as the weave and are designed to blend seamlessly with the rest of the hair.
  5. Back: The back is a larger piece of hair that's attached to the back of the scalp, covering the nape of the neck and hairline. It's usually made of the same type of hair as the weave and is designed to create a natural-looking hairline.
  6. Nape: The nape is a small piece of hair that's attached to the back of the scalp, covering the nape of the neck. It's usually made of the same type of hair as the weave and is designed to blend seamlessly with the rest of the hair.

Overall, Felicia's new weave 6-piece set is a great way to get a comprehensive collection of her latest products, and it's perfect for anyone looking to upgrade their hair game!