New york time zone right now am or pm

I'd be happy to help! However, I need to know the current time to determine whether it's AM or PM in the New York Time Zone.

As I'm a text-based AI model, I don't have real-time access to the current time. But I can suggest a few options to help you find out the current time in the New York Time Zone:

  1. Check your device's clock: You can check the current time on your phone, watch, or computer to see whether it's AM or PM.
  2. Use a time zone converter: You can use a time zone converter website or app to convert the current time in your location to the New York Time Zone.
  3. Check a reliable online clock: You can visit a reliable online clock website, such as WorldTimeBuddy or TimeAndDate, to see the current time in the New York Time Zone.

Once you know the current time, you can determine whether it's AM or PM.