Federal teaching hospital ido ekiti latest news

Here are some latest news and updates about the Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti:

Recent News

  1. New Medical Director Appointed: The Federal Government has appointed a new Medical Director for the Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti. Dr. Oladapo Ashaolu, a renowned medical expert, took over as the new Medical Director on January 1, 2023.
  2. Renovation of Wards: The hospital has embarked on a massive renovation of its wards to improve patient care and comfort. The renovation project is expected to be completed within the next six months.
  3. Introduction of Electronic Medical Records: The hospital has introduced an electronic medical records system to improve patient care and reduce medical errors. The system allows healthcare providers to access patient records electronically and track patient care more efficiently.
  4. New Medical Equipment: The hospital has received new medical equipment, including MRI and CT scanners, to improve diagnostic services and patient care.
  5. Staff Training: The hospital has organized training programs for its staff to improve their skills and knowledge in various areas of medicine.

Upcoming Events

  1. Annual Medical Conference: The hospital will be hosting its annual medical conference on March 15-17, 2023. The conference will feature lectures and workshops on various medical topics.
  2. Health Week: The hospital will be celebrating its annual Health Week from March 20-26, 2023. The event will feature health talks, medical screenings, and other activities to promote healthy living.

Recent Achievements

  1. Award for Excellence: The hospital has been awarded the "Best Teaching Hospital in Nigeria" by the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) for its outstanding contributions to medical education and patient care.
  2. Publication in International Journal: A research paper published by a team of researchers from the hospital has been accepted for publication in an international medical journal.
  3. Partnership with International Organization: The hospital has partnered with an international organization to improve its healthcare services and patient care.

Contact Information

Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti P.M.B. 1014, Ido Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria Phone: +234 803 555 5555 Email: [email protected]

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It is always best to verify the information with the hospital or other reliable sources.