Feature in news media means

In the context of news media, a "feature" refers to a type of article or segment that is not necessarily news-oriented, but rather informative, entertaining, or thought-provoking. Features are often used to provide in-depth coverage of a particular topic, issue, or event, and may include interviews, profiles, analysis, commentary, or other forms of storytelling.

Some common types of features in news media include:

  1. Profile pieces: In-depth articles about a person, organization, or community, often highlighting their achievements, challenges, or unique perspectives.
  2. Investigative reports: In-depth investigations into a particular issue or problem, often involving research, interviews, and data analysis.
  3. Analysis pieces: Articles that provide expert analysis or commentary on a particular issue or topic, often including opinions, perspectives, or insights from experts or stakeholders.
  4. Human-interest stories: Articles that focus on the personal experiences, struggles, or triumphs of individuals or communities, often with a emotional or uplifting tone.
  5. Trend pieces: Articles that explore emerging trends, issues, or phenomena, often including expert insights, data, and analysis.
  6. Opinion pieces: Articles that express the author's opinion or perspective on a particular issue or topic, often including personal anecdotes, analysis, or commentary.
  7. Photo essays: Articles that use photographs to tell a story or convey a message, often accompanied by captions or text.
  8. Video features: Video segments or documentaries that provide in-depth coverage of a particular topic or issue, often including interviews, footage, and analysis.
  9. Podcasts: Audio segments or episodes that provide in-depth coverage of a particular topic or issue, often including interviews, analysis, and commentary.
  10. Infographics: Visual representations of data or information, often used to illustrate a particular issue or trend.

Features are often used to:

Overall, features are an important part of news media, as they provide a platform for in-depth storytelling, analysis, and commentary, and help to engage audiences with a wide range of topics and issues.