Fear hope of the nigeria child in the new dispensation

A very important and timely topic!

As we navigate the complexities of the new dispensation in Nigeria, it's essential to acknowledge the fears and hopes of the Nigerian child. Here are some concerns and aspirations that may be on their minds:


  1. Safety and Security: Many Nigerian children fear for their safety and security, especially in the face of increasing violence, kidnappings, and terrorism.
  2. Education: The quality of education in Nigeria is a significant concern, with many children worried about the lack of resources, inadequate infrastructure, and poor teacher-student ratios.
  3. Healthcare: Access to quality healthcare is a major fear, as many children struggle to find reliable medical care, especially in rural areas.
  4. Poverty: The high poverty rate in Nigeria is a significant concern, with many children worried about their family's financial stability and their own future prospects.
  5. Corruption: The prevalence of corruption in Nigeria can be intimidating for children, who may feel that it's a barrier to achieving their goals and aspirations.


  1. Improved Education: Many Nigerian children hope for better educational opportunities, including access to quality schools, qualified teachers, and relevant resources.
  2. Peace and Stability: Children hope for a more peaceful and stable Nigeria, where they can grow and thrive without fear of violence or instability.
  3. Economic Empowerment: Many children aspire to economic empowerment, with hopes of creating a better life for themselves and their families through entrepreneurship, employment, or other means.
  4. Healthcare and Wellness: Nigerian children hope for improved healthcare services, including access to quality medical care, healthy living conditions, and wellness programs.
  5. Leadership and Representation: Children hope for leaders who will prioritize their needs and well-being, and who will work to create a more just and equitable society.

What can be done to address these fears and hopes?

  1. Invest in Education: Governments, organizations, and individuals can invest in education, providing quality schools, qualified teachers, and relevant resources.
  2. Promote Peace and Stability: Efforts to promote peace and stability, such as conflict resolution initiatives and community development programs, can help create a safer and more secure environment for children.
  3. Address Poverty: Addressing poverty through economic empowerment programs, social welfare initiatives, and job creation can help alleviate financial concerns and improve overall well-being.
  4. Improve Healthcare: Governments and organizations can work to improve healthcare services, including increasing access to quality medical care, promoting healthy living conditions, and implementing wellness programs.
  5. Empower Children: Empowering children through education, skills training, and mentorship can help them develop the confidence and resilience needed to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

By acknowledging and addressing the fears and hopes of Nigerian children, we can work towards creating a brighter future for them and for the country as a whole.