Craig wright latest news

Craig Wright, also known as Satoshi Nakamoto, is a Australian computer scientist and entrepreneur who is widely believed to be the creator of Bitcoin. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Craig Wright:

Recent News:

  1. Craig Wright's identity as Satoshi Nakamoto confirmed: In December 2020, Wright publicly claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, in a court filing in the United States. This claim was met with skepticism by many in the cryptocurrency community, but Wright has continued to assert his identity as Satoshi.
  2. Wright's company, nChain, files lawsuit against Roger Ver: In January 2021, Wright's company, nChain, filed a lawsuit against Roger Ver, a well-known Bitcoin advocate, alleging that Ver had made false and defamatory statements about Wright and his company.
  3. Wright's Bitcoin SV (BSV) faces criticism: Wright's Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a fork of the original Bitcoin blockchain that he created in 2018. However, BSV has faced criticism from many in the cryptocurrency community, who argue that it is a "scam" and that Wright is using it to enrich himself at the expense of others.
  4. Wright's personal life under scrutiny: Wright has been the subject of much speculation and rumor in the media, with some outlets reporting on his personal life and relationships. In January 2021, it was reported that Wright had been involved in a bitter divorce battle with his ex-wife, Ramona Watts.

Recent Interviews and Statements:

  1. Interview with The Australian: In December 2020, Wright gave an interview to The Australian, in which he discussed his claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto and his views on the future of Bitcoin.
  2. Statement on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) fork: In January 2021, Wright released a statement on the BSV fork, in which he defended the project and accused his critics of being "envious" and "jealous".
  3. Interview with The Times: In February 2021, Wright gave an interview to The Times, in which he discussed his views on the future of Bitcoin and the role of government in regulating cryptocurrencies.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "I am Satoshi Nakamoto": Wright has repeatedly claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin.
  2. "Bitcoin SV is the true Bitcoin": Wright has defended his Bitcoin SV (BSV) fork, claiming that it is the true and original Bitcoin blockchain.
  3. "I am not a scammer": Wright has denied allegations that he is a scammer or that his company, nChain, is involved in fraudulent activities.

It's worth noting that Craig Wright's claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto have been met with skepticism by many in the cryptocurrency community, and some have accused him of being a "fraud" or a "scammer". However, Wright has continued to assert his identity as Satoshi and has defended his work on the Bitcoin SV (BSV) fork.