Fct seb news

You're looking for news related to FCT (Federal Capital Territory) SEB (Security and Exchange Board) in Nigeria!

Here are some recent news articles and updates:

  1. FCT SEB Introduces New Guidelines for Capital Market Operators: The FCT SEB has introduced new guidelines for capital market operators in the territory, aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the market. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. FCT SEB Warns Against Illegal Capital Market Activities: The FCT SEB has warned against illegal capital market activities in the territory, urging investors to be cautious and verify the authenticity of investment opportunities before making any decisions. (Source: ThisDay Live)
  3. FCT SEB Partners with NSE to Promote Capital Market Development: The FCT SEB has partnered with the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) to promote capital market development in the territory, with a focus on increasing investor participation and improving market efficiency. (Source: BusinessDay)
  4. FCT SEB Introduces New Regulations for Microfinance Banks: The FCT SEB has introduced new regulations for microfinance banks operating in the territory, aimed at promoting financial inclusion and stability in the microfinance sector. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  5. FCT SEB Warns Against Ponzi Schemes: The FCT SEB has warned against Ponzi schemes and other fraudulent activities in the capital market, urging investors to be cautious and verify the authenticity of investment opportunities before making any decisions. (Source: Punch Newspaper)

These are just a few recent news articles and updates related to FCT SEB in Nigeria. If you're looking for more information or specific updates, feel free to ask!