House rejects republican immigration bill ignoring trump #

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article. Here's a summary:

On June 27, 2019, the United States House of Representatives rejected a Republican-backed immigration bill, which aimed to address the ongoing border crisis and immigration reform. The bill, known as the "Border Security and Immigration Reform Act," was sponsored by House Republicans and had the support of President Donald Trump.

The bill failed to pass with a vote of 187-235, with only 34 Democrats voting in favor of the legislation. The bill's rejection was largely expected, as Democrats had previously expressed concerns about the bill's provisions, including its focus on border security and its lack of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

The bill's failure is seen as a setback for the Trump administration, which had been pushing for a comprehensive immigration reform package. The administration had been seeking to address the ongoing border crisis, which has seen a surge in migrant arrivals at the US-Mexico border in recent months.

In response to the bill's rejection, President Trump tweeted that the House had "just rejected a strong and effective Border Security and Immigration Reform Bill." He also accused Democrats of being "obstructionist" and claimed that they were "putting politics over people."

The rejection of the bill is likely to lead to further negotiations and discussions between lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. Democrats have been pushing for a more comprehensive approach to immigration reform, which would include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and a focus on addressing the root causes of migration.