Father mbaka new year messages 2019

Here are some New Year messages from Father Mbaka, a popular Nigerian Catholic priest and the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria:

Message 1:

"Happy New Year to all my dear children of God. As we enter into this new year, I want to remind you that God is a God of new beginnings. He is a God who specializes in turning around the lives of His children. So, no matter what you have been through in the past, I want to assure you that this new year is a fresh start for you. It is a year of new opportunities, new blessings, and new miracles. So, let us come before God with a humble heart and ask for His guidance and direction in the year ahead."

Message 2:

"As we welcome this new year, I want to remind you that God is a God of mercy and compassion. He is a God who loves us unconditionally and wants to bless us abundantly. So, let us come before Him with a grateful heart and thank Him for all His blessings in the past year. Let us also ask for His forgiveness for our sins and for His guidance and direction in the year ahead. Remember, God is a God who is always willing to forgive and to bless His children."

Message 3:

"This new year is a year of great expectation. It is a year of great hope and great promise. It is a year when God will manifest His power and His glory in our lives. So, let us come before Him with a heart of faith and ask for His blessings and His guidance. Let us also be prepared to receive His blessings and to walk in His ways. Remember, God is a God who is always willing to bless His children and to guide them on the path of righteousness."

Message 4:

"As we enter into this new year, I want to remind you that God is a God of abundance. He is a God who wants to bless us abundantly and to give us the desires of our hearts. So, let us come before Him with a heart of gratitude and thank Him for all His blessings in the past year. Let us also ask for His guidance and direction in the year ahead and for His blessings to be poured out upon our lives. Remember, God is a God who is always willing to bless His children and to give them the desires of their hearts."

Message 5:

"This new year is a year of great challenge and great opportunity. It is a year when we will be tested and tried, but it is also a year when we will be blessed and rewarded. So, let us come before God with a heart of faith and ask for His guidance and direction. Let us also be prepared to face the challenges of the year ahead and to overcome them by the power of God. Remember, God is a God who is always willing to help His children and to guide them on the path of righteousness."

I hope these messages from Father Mbaka inspire and bless you as you enter into the new year!