Fatal arrogance book exposing el zakzakky imn as a terrorist group launched in abuja

It seems like you're referring to a book titled "Fatal Arrogance" that exposes El-Zakzaky's IMN (Islamic Movement in Nigeria) as a terrorist group. The book was launched in Abuja, Nigeria.

For those who may not be familiar, El-Zakzaky is a controversial Islamic cleric who has been at the center of several controversies in Nigeria. His IMN has been accused of being a terrorist organization by the Nigerian government, and there have been reports of violent clashes between the group and security forces.

The book "Fatal Arrogance" appears to be a critical examination of El-Zakzaky's IMN, highlighting its alleged terrorist activities and the harm it has caused to innocent people. The launch of the book in Abuja suggests that it may have been well-received by the public and may have sparked important discussions about the group's activities.

It's worth noting that the IMN has denied being a terrorist organization and has accused the Nigerian government of persecuting its members. The group has also been involved in several high-profile protests and demonstrations, which have sometimes turned violent.

Overall, the book "Fatal Arrogance" seems to be an important contribution to the ongoing debate about El-Zakzaky's IMN and its activities. It may help to shed light on the group's alleged terrorist activities and provide a more nuanced understanding of the complex issues surrounding the group.

Would you like to know more about the book or the controversy surrounding El-Zakzaky's IMN?