Migrate to new zealand from india

A great decision! Migrating to New Zealand from India can be a fantastic opportunity for a new life, career, and adventure. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process:

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Age: You must be under 56 years old (55 years old for some skilled worker categories).
  2. Language: You must have a good understanding of English, as it's the primary language spoken in New Zealand.
  3. Education: You must have a recognized qualification from a New Zealand or Australian institution, or a qualification recognized by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
  4. Work experience: You must have relevant work experience in your chosen field.
  5. Health: You must meet New Zealand's health requirements.
  6. Character: You must meet New Zealand's character requirements.

Visa Options:

  1. Skilled Migrant Category (SMC): For skilled workers with a job offer or a recognized qualification.
  2. Work to Residence Visa: For skilled workers who want to work in New Zealand and eventually apply for residency.
  3. Family Category: For family members of New Zealand citizens or residents.
  4. Resident Visa: For people who want to live in New Zealand permanently.
  5. Student Visa: For students who want to study in New Zealand.

Application Process:

  1. Expressions of Interest (EOI): Submit an EOI online, which will be assessed against New Zealand's points system.
  2. Invitation to Apply (ITA): If your EOI is selected, you'll receive an ITA, which allows you to apply for a visa.
  3. Visa Application: Submit your visa application, including required documents and fees.
  4. Medical and Police Certificates: Provide medical and police certificates, if required.
  5. Interview: Attend an interview at a New Zealand embassy or consulate, if required.

Required Documents:

  1. Passport: A valid passport with at least 6 months' validity.
  2. Birth Certificate: A certified copy of your birth certificate.
  3. Marriage Certificate: A certified copy of your marriage certificate, if applicable.
  4. Qualifications: Certified copies of your qualifications and transcripts.
  5. Work Experience: Documents that prove your work experience, such as employment contracts and references.
  6. Language Proficiency: Proof of language proficiency, such as IELTS or TOEFL test results.
  7. Health Certificate: A medical certificate that meets New Zealand's health requirements.
  8. Police Certificate: A police certificate from your home country and any countries where you've lived for 5 years or more.


  1. Application Fees: NZD $530 (approximately INR 25,000) for the SMC and NZD $1,000 (approximately INR 47,000) for the Work to Residence Visa.
  2. Medical and Police Certificates: Varying costs, depending on the country and provider.
  3. Language Proficiency Test: Varying costs, depending on the test provider.

Tips and Recommendations:

  1. Start Early: Begin the process at least 6-12 months before your intended departure date.
  2. Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and requirements for your chosen visa category.
  3. Gather Documents: Collect all required documents and have them certified, if necessary.
  4. Language Proficiency: Improve your language skills to increase your chances of success.
  5. Research: Learn about New Zealand's culture, lifestyle, and job market to prepare for your move.

Additional Resources:

  1. Immigration New Zealand: The official government website for immigration information and application processes.
  2. New Zealand Government: The official government website for information on living in New Zealand.
  3. New Zealand Trade and Enterprise: The official government website for information on business and investment opportunities in New Zealand.

Remember to stay patient, persistent, and informed throughout the process. Good luck with your migration to New Zealand!