Fars news latest

Here are the latest news from Fars News Agency, a semi-official Iranian news agency:

Top Stories

  1. Iran's Supreme Leader Warns of US, Israel's Plot to Divide Muslim World: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned that the US and Israel are plotting to divide the Muslim world and create discord among Muslim nations.
  2. Iran's President Rouhani Calls for Unity Against US Sanctions: President Hassan Rouhani has called for unity among Iranians to overcome the challenges posed by US sanctions, which he described as "economic terrorism".
  3. Iran's Revolutionary Guards Launch Military Drills in Persian Gulf: The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has launched military drills in the Persian Gulf, aimed at demonstrating its military capabilities and deterring any potential threats.
  4. Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif Slams US for 'Economic Terrorism': Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has slammed the US for its "economic terrorism" against Iran, saying that the sanctions are causing suffering for ordinary Iranians.
  5. Iran's Parliament Passes Bill to Counter US Sanctions: The Iranian parliament has passed a bill aimed at countering US sanctions, which includes measures to increase oil production and reduce dependence on foreign currencies.

Regional News

  1. Syria's President Assad Visits Iran for Talks with Supreme Leader: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has visited Iran for talks with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, amid efforts to strengthen ties between the two countries.
  2. Yemen's Houthi Rebels Launch Drone Attack on Saudi Oil Facility: Yemen's Houthi rebels have launched a drone attack on a Saudi oil facility, in retaliation for Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen.
  3. Turkey's President Erdogan Visits Iran for Talks on Regional Issues: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has visited Iran for talks with President Hassan Rouhani on regional issues, including the situation in Syria and Yemen.

International News

  1. US Imposes New Sanctions on Iran's Oil Sector: The US has imposed new sanctions on Iran's oil sector, aimed at reducing Iran's oil exports and increasing pressure on the country's economy.
  2. EU to Launch New Trade Mechanism to Bypass US Sanctions on Iran: The European Union is set to launch a new trade mechanism to bypass US sanctions on Iran, aimed at preserving the nuclear deal and maintaining economic ties with Iran.
  3. Russia to Deliver S-400 Missile System to Iran: Russia is set to deliver the S-400 missile system to Iran, amid tensions between Iran and the US over the nuclear deal.

Please note that the news articles may be subject to change as new information becomes available.