Farooq abdullah kashmir leader released from seven month detention

Farooq Abdullah, a prominent Kashmiri leader and former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, was released from detention on March 13, 2020, after being held for seven months.

Abdullah, who is also the president of the National Conference (NC) party, was arrested on August 5, 2019, shortly after the Indian government announced the revocation of Article 370 of the Constitution, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir. The move was seen as a major constitutional change that stripped the state of its autonomy and integrated it into the Indian Union.

Abdullah's detention was seen as a move to silence him and other opposition leaders in the region. He was arrested under the Public Safety Act (PSA), which allows for detention without trial for up to two years.

The release of Abdullah comes amid growing international pressure on India to respect human rights and democratic norms in Kashmir. The move is seen as a significant development in the region, as Abdullah is a respected leader with a strong following in Kashmir.

Abdullah's release has been welcomed by many in Kashmir, who see it as a step towards restoring normalcy in the region. However, the situation in Kashmir remains tense, with restrictions on movement and communication still in place.

The Indian government has maintained that the detention of Abdullah and other leaders was necessary to maintain law and order in the region. However, critics have accused the government of using the PSA to silence opposition voices and stifle dissent.

Abdullah's release is seen as a significant development in the region, and it remains to be seen how it will impact the political situation in Kashmir.