When to start a new paragraph worksheet

Here are some guidelines on when to start a new paragraph:

1. New idea or topic: When you're introducing a new idea, topic, or theme, it's a good idea to start a new paragraph. This helps the reader follow your train of thought and understand the relationships between your ideas.

2. Shift in focus or perspective: If you're shifting your focus or perspective within a text, it's a good idea to start a new paragraph. For example, if you're discussing a character's thoughts and then suddenly switch to their actions, a new paragraph can help signal this change.

3. New supporting detail or example: When you're providing additional supporting details or examples to illustrate a point, it's often a good idea to start a new paragraph. This helps to keep the reader engaged and focused on the specific point you're making.

4. Change in tone or mood: If you're changing the tone or mood of your writing, a new paragraph can help signal this shift. For example, if you're writing a narrative and suddenly switch from a serious tone to a humorous one, a new paragraph can help the reader adjust to the change.

5. To create a sense of separation: Sometimes, starting a new paragraph can simply be a matter of creating a sense of separation between ideas or sections of text. This can help the reader feel like they're moving from one idea to another, rather than feeling overwhelmed by a long block of text.

6. To improve readability: Finally, starting a new paragraph can simply be a matter of improving readability. Breaking up long blocks of text into smaller, more manageable chunks can make your writing easier to read and understand.

Here's a worksheet to help you practice identifying when to start a new paragraph:

Paragraph Starters Worksheet

Read the following passage and identify where you would start a new paragraph:

The sun was setting over the ocean, casting a warm golden light over the waves. The sound of the surf was soothing, and I felt my worries slowly drifting away. As I walked along the beach, I noticed a group of seagulls flying overhead, their cries echoing through the air. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew in, and the seagulls scattered, flying away in all directions.

Where would you start a new paragraph?

A) After the first sentence B) After the second sentence C) After the third sentence D) After the fourth sentence

Answer: C) After the third sentence

The passage is describing a peaceful scene, and then suddenly shifts to a more dramatic moment with the strong gust of wind. Starting a new paragraph at this point helps to signal this shift and create a sense of separation between the two ideas.