Fallout 3 crashing on windows 8.1 after starting new game

Fallout 3 can be a bit finicky, especially when it comes to compatibility with newer operating systems like Windows 8.1. Here are some potential solutions to help you resolve the crashing issue:

  1. Check for updates: Ensure that your Fallout 3 game is up-to-date. You can check for updates through the Steam client (if you're using Steam) or by visiting the Bethesda Softworks website.
  2. Compatibility mode: Try running Fallout 3 in Compatibility mode. Right-click on the game's executable (Fallout3.exe), select "Properties," and then click on the "Compatibility" tab. Check the box next to "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and select "Windows 7" or "Windows XP" from the dropdown menu. Click "Apply" and then "OK."
  3. Disable DirectX: Fallout 3 uses DirectX 9, which might not be compatible with Windows 8.1's default DirectX 11. Try disabling DirectX 11 and running the game with DirectX 9. To do this, go to the game's Properties > Settings > Graphics, and uncheck the box next to "Use DirectX 11."
  4. Update graphics drivers: Outdated graphics drivers can cause compatibility issues. Ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date by visiting your graphics card manufacturer's website (e.g., NVIDIA or AMD) and downloading the latest drivers.
  5. Disable anti-virus software: Some anti-virus software can interfere with the game's execution. Try temporarily disabling your anti-virus software and see if the game runs smoothly.
  6. Check for conflicts with other programs: Other programs running in the background might be causing conflicts with Fallout 3. Try closing all unnecessary programs and see if the game runs smoothly.
  7. Verify game files: Sometimes, corrupted game files can cause issues. Try verifying the integrity of your game files through Steam (if you're using Steam) or by using the Fallout 3 game's built-in file verification tool.
  8. Try a different save game: If you're experiencing crashes immediately after starting a new game, try loading a different save game or creating a new character.
  9. Check for Windows updates: Ensure that your Windows 8.1 is up-to-date, as newer updates might resolve compatibility issues.
  10. Consider using a compatibility patch: There are community-created patches available that can help improve compatibility with Fallout 3 on Windows 8.1. You can search for "Fallout 3 Windows 8.1 patch" or "Fallout 3 compatibility patch" to find relevant resources.

If none of these solutions work, you can try seeking help from the Fallout 3 community forums or Bethesda Softworks' support team.