Fake news placard

A "fake news" placard! Here's a possible design:

Front Side:

[Image of a newspaper or news website with a bold, red "FAKE NEWS" stamp across it]


Body Text: Warning: The information presented in this article is completely fabricated and not based on fact. Do not believe everything you read!

Back Side:

[Image of a person holding a fake news article, with a red "X" marked through it]

Headline: Don't be fooled!

Body Text: Remember, not everything you read online is true. Be skeptical and verify information before sharing or believing it. Critical thinking is key!

Additional Design Elements:

Color Scheme:


This design aims to be eye-catching, memorable, and easy to understand. The bold red color and "FAKE NEWS" stamp immediately grab the viewer's attention, while the cartoon character and fact-checking stamp provide a lighthearted and educational touch.