Facebook welcome new people to group

Here are a few ways you can welcome new people to your Facebook group:

  1. Create a welcome post: Write a post that introduces yourself and the group, and explains what the group is about. You can also include some tips on how to get the most out of the group.
  2. Send a welcome message: When someone joins the group, you can send them a private message welcoming them and asking them to introduce themselves.
  3. Create a welcome thread: Create a thread in the group where new members can introduce themselves and share a little bit about why they joined the group.
  4. Use Facebook's built-in welcome feature: Facebook has a built-in feature that allows you to send a welcome message to new members. To use this feature, go to your group settings, click on "Members" and then click on "Welcome Message".
  5. Create a welcome video: Create a video that welcomes new members to the group and explains what the group is about. You can post this video in the group or send it to new members as a private message.

Here's an example of a welcome post you could write:

"Welcome to [Group Name]!

I'm [Your Name], the admin of this group, and I'm thrilled to have you join us. Our group is a community of [briefly describe the group and its purpose].

We're a friendly and supportive group, and we're always happy to welcome new members. If you're new here, please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about why you joined the group.

We have a lot of great discussions and resources in this group, and we're always looking for new perspectives and ideas. So don't be shy - jump in and start participating!

If you have any questions or need help getting started, just let me know. I'm always here to help.

Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to seeing you around the group!"

Remember to keep your welcome post friendly and welcoming, and to make sure it's clear what the group is about and what kind of content is allowed.