Facebook to reject ads from pages touting fake news

Facebook has announced that it will reject ads from pages that promote fake news. This move is part of the company's efforts to combat the spread of misinformation on its platform.

According to Facebook's announcement, the company will use a combination of human reviewers and artificial intelligence to identify and reject ads that promote fake news. The company will also work with third-party fact-checking organizations to help identify and flag fake news stories.

Facebook's decision to reject ads from pages that promote fake news is a significant step in the company's efforts to combat misinformation. The spread of fake news has been a major concern for Facebook and other social media companies, as it can have serious consequences, such as influencing elections and spreading hate speech.

Facebook's announcement comes after a number of high-profile incidents in which fake news stories were spread on the platform, including a story about Pope Francis endorsing Donald Trump for president, which was later found to be false.

The company's decision to reject ads from pages that promote fake news is a significant step in the right direction, but it is not a guarantee that the problem will be completely solved. Fake news stories can still be spread on the platform through other means, such as organic posts and messaging apps.

However, Facebook's decision to take action against fake news is a positive step, and it is likely to have a significant impact on the spread of misinformation on the platform.