Facebook new version 2019

Facebook has undergone several changes and updates in 2019. Here are some of the notable changes:

Facebook's New Design

In March 2019, Facebook rolled out a new design for its desktop version, which included a simplified navigation menu, a larger profile picture, and a more prominent "Groups" tab.

Facebook Dating

In May 2019, Facebook launched its dating feature, called Facebook Dating, which allows users to create a separate dating profile and connect with potential matches.

Facebook Watch

In June 2019, Facebook launched Facebook Watch, a video-on-demand service that allows users to watch original content, including TV shows, movies, and sports.

Facebook Portal

In October 2019, Facebook launched its Portal smart display, which allows users to make video calls, play music, and access various apps, including Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook's New Algorithm

In January 2019, Facebook announced changes to its algorithm, which prioritizes content from friends and family over content from publishers and brands.

Facebook's New Features

Some other new features introduced by Facebook in 2019 include:

Facebook's Controversies

2019 was also marked by several controversies surrounding Facebook, including:

Overall, 2019 was a significant year for Facebook, with the company introducing new features, improving its algorithm, and facing several controversies.