Facebook new privacy policy 2018

Facebook's new privacy policy in 2018 was a significant update that aimed to provide more transparency and control to users over their personal data. Here are some key changes and updates:

Changes to the Policy:

  1. Simplified Language: Facebook simplified the language used in the policy to make it easier for users to understand.
  2. Clearer Explanation of Data Collection: The policy now provides a clearer explanation of how Facebook collects and uses user data, including information on how it uses cookies and other tracking technologies.
  3. More Transparency on Data Sharing: Facebook updated the policy to provide more transparency on how it shares user data with third-party companies, including advertisers and developers.
  4. Enhanced User Control: The policy now gives users more control over their data, including the ability to delete or edit their personal information, and to opt-out of certain data collection practices.
  5. New Definitions: Facebook introduced new definitions for key terms, such as "personal data" and "processing," to help users understand how their data is used.

Key Updates:

  1. Data Sharing with Third-Parties: Facebook updated the policy to clarify that it shares user data with third-party companies, including advertisers and developers, to provide targeted advertising and other services.
  2. Data Collection from Third-Parties: The policy now explains that Facebook collects data from third-party companies, such as websites and apps, to improve its services and provide targeted advertising.
  3. User-Generated Content: Facebook updated the policy to clarify that users retain ownership of their user-generated content, but grant Facebook a license to use and distribute that content.
  4. Data Retention: The policy now explains that Facebook retains user data for as long as necessary to provide its services, and that it may retain certain data for longer periods of time if required by law or for legitimate business purposes.
  5. Data Security: Facebook updated the policy to emphasize its commitment to data security, including the use of encryption and other security measures to protect user data.

Impact on Users:

  1. Increased Transparency: The updated policy provides more transparency on how Facebook collects and uses user data, which can help users make more informed decisions about their online activities.
  2. More Control: The policy gives users more control over their data, including the ability to delete or edit their personal information, and to opt-out of certain data collection practices.
  3. Changes to Advertising: The updated policy may impact the way Facebook targets advertisements to users, as it provides more transparency on how user data is used for advertising purposes.
  4. Changes to Data Sharing: The policy may impact the way Facebook shares user data with third-party companies, as it provides more transparency on how data is shared and used.


Facebook's updated privacy policy in 2018 aimed to provide more transparency and control to users over their personal data. While the policy may have some implications for users, it also provides more clarity on how Facebook collects and uses user data, which can help users make more informed decisions about their online activities.