Peace corps latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from the Peace Corps:

Recent News

  1. Peace Corps Celebrates 60th Anniversary: In March 2023, the Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary, marking six decades of promoting peace and friendship around the world.
  2. New Country of Service: Gabon: In February 2023, the Peace Corps announced the launch of a new program in Gabon, West Central Africa, with a focus on education and environmental conservation.
  3. Peace Corps Response Program Expands: In January 2023, the Peace Corps announced the expansion of its Response Program, which sends short-term volunteers to respond to crisis situations and support communities in need.
  4. New Peace Corps Director Appointed: In December 2022, President Joe Biden appointed Carol Spahn as the new Director of the Peace Corps, succeeding Josephine Korchmaros.

Recent Volunteer Stories

  1. Volunteer Helps Build Sustainable Farm in Rwanda: Peace Corps Volunteer Emily Johnson worked with local farmers in Rwanda to build a sustainable farm, improving food security and promoting agricultural development.
  2. Volunteer Teaches English in Morocco: Peace Corps Volunteer Sarah Taylor taught English to students in Morocco, promoting cultural exchange and language skills.
  3. Volunteer Works on Disaster Response in the Philippines: Peace Corps Volunteer Michael Brown worked with local communities in the Philippines to respond to natural disasters, providing support and resources.

Upcoming Events

  1. Peace Corps National Conference: The Peace Corps National Conference will take place in June 2023, bringing together Peace Corps alumni, current volunteers, and staff to share experiences and discuss global issues.
  2. World Malaria Day: The Peace Corps will participate in World Malaria Day on April 25, 2023, highlighting efforts to combat malaria and promote global health.

Recent Reports and Publications

  1. Peace Corps Annual Report: The Peace Corps released its annual report for 2022, highlighting achievements and challenges in promoting peace and development around the world.
  2. Peace Corps Research Report: The Peace Corps published a research report on the impact of its programs on host countries, highlighting the agency's contributions to global development.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from the Peace Corps. For more information, you can visit the Peace Corps website or follow the agency on social media.